About The Primary School
The Primary School offers a broad, balanced and academically rigorous programme which is designed to develop curious individuals who are independent learners. Our curriculum is based within the framework of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). The PYP is an international framework which focuses on the development of the whole child addressing social, physical, emotional, cultural and academic needs.
To help you get off to a good start, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the relevant information in this handbook and discuss with your child (ren) as appropriate.
The information provided will help your family better understand the Primary School expectations and procedures.
We will be conducting a number of parents’ information sessions to help you gain more insight and have a better understanding of our academic and well-being programmes; these will take place during the course of the academic year.
We are proud of our home/school partnership and are looking forward to working with you in order to make this year successful and enjoyable for all.
My team and I will be happy to answer any questions or queries you may have.
With all good wishes,
Ms. Dima Azzam Qubain
Vice Principal for Wellbeing and Development,
Designated Safeguarding Lead / Head of PYS

Primary School (KG1 & KG2)
As the first five years of a child’s life are the most formative, the KG curriculum strives to reinforce emerging skills in all domains, physical, socio-emotional and cognitive, offering a stimulating balance between learning and play.
Kindergarten students engage in a range of transdisciplinary Units of Inquiry, which provide learning experiences that integrate all the learning strands of the curriculum; Arabic and English languages, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, Educational Technology, Music, Drama, Visual Arts and Physical Education. Students are encouraged to collaborate through a constructivist approach and share within a positive classroom environment, where learning centres and students’ ideas are explored.
There are four coeducational classes in KG 1 (ages 4-5) and four coeducational classes in KG 2 (ages 5-6). Each class has a bilingual teaching team that consists of one Arabic Homeroom Teacher and one English Homeroom Teacher. In addition to the Homeroom Teachers, Music, Dance, Drama, Physical Education and Art are delivered in the KG by specialist teachers. In addition to this a Technology Specialist and Media Centre Specialist help to integrate Information Literacy skills and basic coding as part of the curriculum.

Primary School (K-Grade 6)
Students engage in a rich bilingual programme which includes, Arabic Language, Units of Inquiry (Social Studies & Science), Mathematics and Religious Studies. In addition to that, the English Language, Unit of Inquiry (Social Studies & Science) form the backbone of the English component of the programme.
Students in Grade 6 have the chance to choose Spanish or French as an additional language in Grades 4, 5 & 6 and delivered by a specialist teacher. Music, Dance, Drama, Physical Education and Art, in Grades 1-6 are also delivered by specialist teachers. In addition to this, An Educational Technology & Media Centre Specialists help integrate (Information and Communication Technologies) ICT and a coding programme in to the curriculum.
Throughout the school year, the students inquire in to six Units of Inquiry apart from KG 1& 2 where five units are explored. Regardless of the grade level, these Units revolve around core Global Themes that integrate many subject areas, or disciplines. These themes help teachers and students explore and inquire into universal concepts and make meaningful learning connections between subjects through Units of Inquiry.
These “Transdisciplinary Themes” include:
- Who we are
- Where we are in place and time
- How we express ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organise ourselves
- Sharing the planet
Concept driven curriculum:
At the centre of the curriculum are key concepts/big ideas that have relevance within and across subject areas. These are explored through questions, which help structure the inquiry.
Form – What is it like? | Connection – How is it connected to other things? |
Function – How does it work? | Perspective – What are the points of view? |
Causation – Why is it like it is? | Responsibility – What is our responsibility? |
Change – How is it changing? | Reflection – How do we know? |
Throughout the students’ learning experiences, they acquire and apply a set of skills across all curricular areas.
These Approaches to Learning Skills:
Thinking | Self-Management |
Social | Research |
Communication |

Primary Student Agency
ABS takes pride in providing students with numerous opportunities and platforms to express their opinions, assume leadership roles and promote a positive school environment. Whether it is through inquiry, class responsibilities or participation in co-curricular activities, there is no question that Student Agency is at the heart of the Primary Years Programme. This is also in line with ‘Al-Tarbiyeh’ motto and focuses on ‘Leadership’ and ‘Youth Empowerment’. The Primary Student Voice and the Care Group have been established in order to focus the efforts of those students who wish to make a greater impact.
For more information, click here.

Contact The Primary School
For questions regarding Primary School policies and curricula, please contact:
Ms Nermeen Abu Assaf – Deputy Head Academics / IB PYP Coordinator / Student Agency k-6
Ms Ozlem Al- Khairy – Deputy Head English Programme / Student Well-being & Achievement K-6
Ms Amira Shawa – Deputy Head Early Years / Student Engagement & Action
Contact the Primary School (Grades 1-6)
For general questions (e.g. upcoming events) please contact:
Ms Rasha Ammari – Primary School Executive Assistant
Phone Number: 06 5411191 ext.: 2701
Contact the Primary School (Kindergarten 1 & 2)
For all other questions (e.g., upcoming activities), please email:
Ms Razan Bsaibess – Primary School KG Executive Assistant
Phone Number: 06 5411191 ext.: 2601
Other useful Primary School Contacts:
Ms Diana Al Banna – Head of Primary Executive Assistant
Phone Number: 06 5411191 ext.: 2004
Ms Nermin Abu Assaft – PYP Co-ordinator
Phone Number: 06 5411191 ext.:2705
Ms Sajidah Shamaileh – Student Counsellor
Phone Number: 06 5411191 ext.:2710