The co-curricular activities at the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) are an important part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme as they complement the academic programme making students well-rounded. The ABS programme is decisively associated with three awards: the Duke of Edinburgh International Award delivered through the El Hassan Youth Award Office, the Sarvath El Hassan Award and the Al Sawsanah Award. Designed for three different age groups within the School, the Award Schemes springboard from the co-curricular foundation and push the student to become more responsible, more self-challenging, and more aware of the world around them.
At Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS), co-curricular activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Chess | Robotics |
Dabka | Debating |
Drama Productions | Film |
First Aid | Jewellery Making |
Lego League | Dance |
Spanish and French | Guitar |
Origami | Photography |
Scrabble | Choir School |
Band | Round Square |
Amman Model United Nations |

The co-curricular activities at the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) are an important part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme as they complement the academic programme making students well-rounded. The ABS programme is decisively associated with three awards: the Duke of Edinburgh International Award delivered through the El Hassan Youth Award Office, the Sarvath El Hassan Award and the Al Sawsanah Award. Designed for three different age groups within the School, the Award Schemes springboard from the co-curricular foundation and push the student to become more responsible, more self-challenging, and more aware of the world around them.

The co-curricular activities at the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) are an important part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme as they complement the academic programme making students well-rounded. The ABS programme is decisively associated with three awards: the Duke of Edinburgh International Award delivered through the El Hassan Youth Award Office, the Sarvath El Hassan Award and the Al Sawsanah Award. Designed for three different age groups within the School, the Award Schemes springboard from the co-curricular foundation and push the student to become more responsible, more self-challenging, and more aware of the world around them.

Action, when defined as ‘learning by doing and experiencing’, is a key component in constructivist models of education, including the teaching and learning common to the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme.
Service, as a subset of action, has always been a shared value of the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) community. As such, ABS students strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a personal commitment to service and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment.
ABS values service with others as an important way to engage in principled action across a range of overlapping local and global communities.
Through building authentic connections between what they learn in the classroom and what they experience in the community, students develop the kinds of attributes described by the IB learner profile that are essential for success in future academic pursuits and for adult life.
The El Hassan Youth Award (HYA) Scheme was derived from the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, established in 1956, which spread to several countries in the world under different titles. The El Hassan Youth Award Scheme started in Jordan in 1984 as a pilot scheme in the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS).
The HYA provides a significant opportunity for Jordanian youth between the ages of 14-25 years to enroll in self-challenging, educational and non-academic programmes that focus on service, skills, expeditions and physical recreation to help achieve well-rounded personality development.
Meeting the minimum standards of achievement for each of the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, qualifies the participants for the Award in the form of a badge and certificate presented on behalf of H.R.H. Prince El Hassan Bin Talal.
Philosophy of the Award
The programme incorporates the basic set of human values long-sought by society, most important of which are: the values of freedom, justice, cooperation, participation, love, affiliation to one’s country, sense of social responsibility, better use of leisure time, better productivity etc., i.e. the values related to personal and social development. The most important strategy adopted by the programme lies in presenting opportunities and challenges for the participant in order to achieve a more developed person, who may then reflect well on their country.
Aims and Objectives
• To encourage participation rather than competition.
• To promote the values of participation, cooperation, team spirit and social responsibility.
• To reinforce the values of progress and citizenship.
• To broaden the horizons of youth to enrich their life experiences.
• To develop youths’ skills, abilities and capacities in ABS students as well as national needs and aspirations.
• To develop students personalities, stressing the following aspects:
Self-reliance and self-control.
Perseverance and determination.
Initiative and originality (creativity).
Social responsibility and dedication.
Value-oriented decision-making.
The spirit of adventure.
Fitness in body and mind.
Life skills, professional skills, cultural skills, and family-related skills.
ABS has taken the initiative of integrating our activity programme, Middle Years School Service as Action and the IB College (IBC) Creativity, Activity, Service with the El Hassan Youth Award since both share similar objectives. Having started with only a few activities, the system is now a complex network of student interaction with members of the community, driven by student motivation and initiative. New activities continue to be identified as student participation increases.
The IBC CAS and HYA also recognise individuality; each participant invests in his/her own creative potential and talents. In this way, all students are strengthened by the system. The CAS programme is an obligation for graduation, but also a path to fulfilment of potential and personal gratification.
For further questions regarding the Co-curricular Programme, please contact the ABS Director of Co-curricular Student Activities, Mr. Majed Makhamreh
What is CAS
CAS is one of the three core elements of the Diploma Programme, designed to extend learning outside of the classroom. Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) make up the three strands of the CAS programme. Each strand stands alone, yet together they function as an interwoven unit to create a holistic experience.
What are the CAS requirements?
IBDP Students are required to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities lasting eighteen months. CAS should involve: purposeful activities with significant outcomes; personal challenge (tasks must stretch the student yet be achievable); and thoughtful consideration, such as planning, reviewing progress, and reflecting on outcomes and personal learning.
CAS is an experience-based personal development program in which each student submits a CAS plan that includes at least six CAS experiences (two from each strand) and a Project (minimum length one month) that includes two of three strands. Each student is required to:
- Give a presentation on his/her CAS Project
- Record a minimum of 50 ManageBac reflections plus evidence for all CAS experiences and the CAS project
- Demonstrate meeting the eight IB Learning Outcomes
- Communicate with his/her CAS Advisor at least once a month throughout the 18 months to discuss plans and progress
Meet with the CAS Coordinator at the beginning, mid-point, and end of his/her CAS programme
The CAS Team
The CAS team is made up of the CAS Coordinator, the CAS advisor and CAS supervisors. The CAS Coordinator is the first point of contact for students; he/she is responsible for all CAS-related issues, for providing support and guidance as needed, and for reporting student achievement to the IB in accordance with IB procedures and paperwork.
The CAS Advisor provides vital, ongoing support for the student, meeting regularly to discuss progress. He/she is the one who approves your proposals and ultimately signs off on completion of a student’s CAS programme.
Students must have a supervisor for each activity. A CAS supervisor may or may not be an ABS teacher, and will typically ensure attendance and punctuality, provide guidance and support, review a student’s performance and report it to the CAS advisor.
For additional information about CAS requirements, please download the Student CAS Handbook or contact the Director of Co-Curricular Activities
ABS school trips offer a great opportunity for our students to complement their classroom learning with real life experiences. School trips provide a well-planned and organised environment for ABS students to face a range of challenges that contribute significantly to their maturity and growth as young, responsible leaders. ABS students have a range of local, regional, and international opportunities to travel. Students and parents are urged to carefully study their options and select their travel plans to ensure these trips will not hinder their child(ren)’s academic performance.
The ABS Trips & Travel Policy was developed by teachers, parents and administrators and extensively upholds the safety of students as the main requirement of student travel. Risk assessments, documented parent approval forms in addition to qualified supervisors are required for every trip.
Objectives of field trips are always grounded in education, whether academic, athletic or CAS-related, and are defined by trip coordinators during early planning stages. The ABS trips and travel policy is extensive and upholds:
•Necessity of permission/release forms from parents for all students before all field trips
•Recorded risk assessment prepared by trip leaders before the trips occur
•Appropriate staff to student ratio depending on the student age range to ensure safety
The Amman Baccalaureate School’s (ABS) philosophy supports the objectives of the Al-Sawsanah Award programme, which aims to develop all facets of the child through intellectual, aesthetic, creative and physical activity. The programme also develops a sense of responsibility in students both to themselves and to others, within the school, the local and international communities. This is reflected in the encouragement of students to participate fully in school life, to become involved in service to the local community and to develop an informed awareness of international concerns.
Activities are available to Grades 4 & 5 students
There is no charge for participation.
The programme offers students the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and interests.
Students may select one or two of the activities on offer provided they are on different days. Transport arrangements will be as on other school days except at 3:15 pm instead of 2:15 pm.
In the second semester, the student has to choose different activities from those chosen in the first semester. Places in each activity are offered on a first come – first served basis.
Requirements for the Award:
1- By the end of Grade 5, a student must have finished eight activities as follows:
3 Creativity Activities
3 Action Activities
2 Service Activities
2- Grade 5 students must enrol in one additional activity on Saturdays for one term from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm (approximately 15 hours/student). They can choose either Animal Protection or the Orphan’s Centre. They also must participate in the annual expedition (2 days, 1 night).
3- New students are expected to have participated in the following by the end of Grade 6:
2 Creativity Activities
2 Action Activities
2 Service Activities
4- A student who completes more than the minimum requirements will receive a special certificate of honour.
5- Students may receive credit to count towards the Award in the event that they are taking part in an organised, long-term activity outside school.
For further questions regarding Al-Sawsanah Award, please contact Al Sawsanah Coordinator Mr. Osama Al Maridi.
Round Square
Students are taught to value and respect all cultures, religions and languages. They learn to see themselves as global citizens and are asked to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature.
Freedom of thought and speech is greatly encouraged and appropriate forums and channels of communication are in place for students to voice their views. Our students are also taught to appreciate the importance of self-discipline and are trained and expected to share in the responsibility for development of the school.
Our students are expected to demonstrate concern for all natural environments, to be aware of proven problems and to play a practical role in tackling environmental issues. Students are taught the interdependence needed to maintain a healthy relationship between human beings and the planet.
Our students participate in activities and expeditions that build character through adventure, meeting physical challenges and developing an appreciation of the outdoors.
Our students are taught that true leadership is found in those whose convictions are rooted in personal responsibility, kindness, and justice. Opportunities for student leadership in the school community are fostered extensively.
This is the key element utilised by Round Square schools to prepare students for life through the expectation of serving others. Our students commit themselves to local, regional and international service projects.
The Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) is a global member of Round Square, which is an organisation of approximately 180 schools that share common IDEALS. Round Square IDEALS permeate throughout all aspects of the ABS student life as featured in our Round Square video . We are proud to be an IB World School that is a global member of Round Square. From the moment students step onto our campus, they are introduced to a holistic programme that partners rigourous academic requirements with the character development that comes from being exposed to other cultures and points of view. ABS students have a myriad of opportunities to gain this exposure, through competitive and recreational sports, local and international Model United Nations conferences, the El Hassan Youth Award Scheme, Al Sawsanah and Service as Action programmes, and the IB CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) requirements. ABS celebrates diversity by promoting an appreciation and acceptance of all faiths and cultures and is actively involved in a wide range of collaborative community projects with NGOs, charities and local institutions. All of these learning experiences embody and instil the Round Square Discovery Framework components into our everyday school life.
Being a Round Square Global School allows us to expand one’s knowledge beyond national boundaries; to meet and know people from all over the world and to acquire knowledge and skills from different cultures. We believe that everyone’s voice should be heard in order to collaboratively celebrate success and solve global issues. Round Square provides ABS students with a springboard for expanding their horizons, while gaining respect and appreciation for others’ strengths and differences which is the focus of our student-created Round Square video .
The Amman Model United Nations (AMMUN) was founded in 2002 by two former students, and is a longstanding tradition at the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS).
Model United Nations (MUN), is a student organized simulation patterned after the actual United Nations. Student delegates practice international relations by being assigned a country to represent in a specific forum or committee. They are presented with their assignments in advance, along with a topic or topics that their forum/committee will discuss. They then conduct research prior to the conference and formulate positions to debate with their fellow delegates during the actual conference.
MUN gives students the opportunity to practice and hone critical thinking, writing, public speaking and debating skills that they will use in every aspect of their lives. Students can become participants of MUN as early as Grade 8. If interested they should contact the Director of Co-Curricular Activities.
Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the work of the New York based United Nations. A country is assigned to each student delegate who then assumes the role of Ambassador and debates agenda items which are mostly taken from the ‘real’ United Nations. The MUN simulation is widely practiced by schools and universities in most countries. It is truly a global network of student conferences where delegates chair debates and control the overall organisation of the conference. Students learn and practice a variety of skills from public speaking, parliamentary debate and argument. A successful MUN delegate must also approach an issue with academic rigour and be able to work constructively as a member of a team with conference delegates who, for the most part, they have never met before.
A Mini Model United Nations (MUN) is a one day training conference for Grade 7 students. Participation is mandatory for all Grade 7 students who would like to attend local and international conferences as part of the Amman Baccalaureate School(ABS) MUN Club in the future. Students who do not complete the five training sessions and one day conference will not be considered for ABS MUN delegations.
A mini MUN will debate resolutions on regional and global issues and students will be required to undertake research at home and attend five training sessions.
The Model United Nations (MUN) is active in many of Amman’s private schools and the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) attends approximately five local conferences per academic year. These conferences are open to students from Grades 8–12 and delegates can apply for student officer positions. The conferences generally fall on weekends and no school time is lost. Students names are presented to the Heads of School prior to conformation to check that there are no disciplinary or academic issues with students, the highest standards of behaviour are expected at all MUN conferences.
Model Unites Nations (MUN) provides the Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS) students with the opportunity to attend a number of highly regarded international conferences where they also experience the cultural highlights of the host city. Students attending international conferences are highly encouraged to apply for student officer positions, prepare thoroughly and be proud ambassadors for AMMUN.
The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN), is held each year the last week of January in The Hague. The conference brings together approximately 3,200 delegates from around the world for seven days and it is regarded as ‘the world championships’ of MUN. In the past ABS delegates have held prestigious positions at THIMUN as committee chairs, Deputy President of the ICJ and Deputy Secretary-General.
An international league with schools from all over the Middle East North Africa region. ABS Athletic Department is a founding member of the OAC with the following schools: American Community School of Beirut, Al Bayan Bi-lingual School – Kuwait, American International School of Egypt, American International School of Jeddah, American International School of Abu-Dhabi, Universal American School of Dubai, and Riffa Views International School – Bahrain.
The AAC competitions are scheduled as ‘Tournaments’ where teams from the Elite schools in Amman come together to compete in an event/tournament. The current schools involved with the AAC include some of the most prestigious private schools in Amman. These schools include; Amman Academy (AA), Amman Baccalaureate School (ABS), American Community School (ACS), Baptist School of Amman (BSA), International Academy Amman (IAA), International Community School (ICS), King’s Academy (KA) and Modern American School (MAS).
Wings of Hope is a charity organisation. ABS Athletic Department works closely with Wings of Hope in several charity projects, and our major event occurs with the Annual Ayman Muasher International Tournament, hosted at the School. The tournament invites teams from Turkey, Pakistan, USA, UAE, Lebanon and Syria, as well as local schools. The Tournament takes place around beginning of spring each year.